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BIOLOGY The O Level (Biology) G3 Syllabus is designed to have less emphasis on hard memorization but an increased emphasis of understanding & application of learnt concepts & principles. This approach has been adopted in recognition of the need for students to develop skills that will be of long-term value in an increasingly technological world, rather than focusing on large quantities of factual material, which may have only short-term relevance.

Overview of the Singapore O Levels Biology Syllabus

The O level Biology syllabus is split into 4 main sections:
Theme 1.  Principles of Biology
Theme 2. Maintenance & regulation of life processes
Theme 3. Continuity of life
Theme 4. Man & his environment

Each theme comprises several subtopics that provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Life is like a big team with different players, and the most important players are the cells. This idea is called the Cell Theory, which says that everything alive is made up of cells, and cells come from other cells. Imagine cells like tiny factories, each part designed for a specific job. This is called “structure to function.” Also, cells become experts at certain jobs, just like people specialize in different careers. This teamwork helps cells do important tasks. Understanding these basic ideas will help you understand more about biology later on.

1. cell structure & organization
2. movement of substances
3. Biological molecules

Think of all living things as a well-organized orchestra. To keep the show going, one needs to do many things, like eating, breathing, and staying in balance. These things are part of life processes. Each organ system in your body has a special job, and they’re like puzzle pieces – they fit perfectly to make everything work. By studying these systems, you’ll see how shape and job are connected.

4. Nutrition in Humans
5. Nutrition in Plants
6. Transport in Flower Plants
7. Transport in Humans
8. Respiration in Humans

9. Excretion in Humans

10. Homeostasis
11. Co-ordination & response in Humans

Reproduction is vital for the survival of species across generations. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick developed the model for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a chemical that had then recently been deduced to be the physical carrier of inheritance. In this section, we examine how genes interact to produce hereditary characteristics in the offspring. This section focuses on understanding the processes involved in the continuity of life and how genetic information is passed from one generation to the next.

12. Reproduction

13. Cell devision
14. Molecular Genetics
15. Inheritance

This last theme holds ever more importance in regard to current affairs globally. Every organism in the world, including humans are part of a complex interconnecting network of interactions amongst themselves & the environment. This theme aims to explore 2 major processes, the first is the cycling of nutrients, as illustrated by the carbon cycle & the second being the flow of energy from sunlight to organisms further down the food chain. Lastly, as all organisms in the food web are interconnected, disruptions to it can inflict disproportionate effects on others in the chain. This is sadly best seen in how human activities have left their mark by permanently altering ecosystems leaving many organisms that we know today at risk of extinction. This theme aims to raise awareness & instill a sense of responsibility in all to protect Earth.

16. Organisms & their Environment

To offer the best O level Biology Tuition to students, students at Intuitive Minds
Learning Centre in BIshan will have access to the following features:

Qualified and Experienced Tutors
Customized Learning
Conceptual Understanding
Practice Papers and Mock Exams (Timed Practice)
Regular Assessments and Feedback

For a more painless journey and accelerated track in mastering O Level Biology, speak to us on fees and class schedules 🙂